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80589 - Aquaciat LD-ILD 150R 600R CONNECT TOUCH
Size: 6 Mo Version 09/2024
BACnet EDE Object File v3.0
Size: 30 Ko
BACnet ModBus LON Point Lists & ModBus BACnet user's guide sr 10.x

Connect Touch (black) - R32 - SR 10.x

Size: 4 Mo Version 8.0
BACnet ModBus LON Point Lists & ModBus BACnet user's guide sr 11.x sr 2.0

Connect Touch Black sr 11.x Connect Touch Black2 sr 2.x - Aquaciat LD/ILD R-32

Size: 4 Mo Version 9.x
BACnet user's guide v3.0
Size: 1 Mo
LON point list v3.0
Size: 45 Ko
MODBUS point list v3.0
Size: 38 Ko
MODBUS user guide v3.0
Size: 845 Ko

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